Backlight : NFT Mania

Pop art

NFTs are 'non-fungible tokens', a type of digital property deeds that makes virtual images negotiable. For some time now, NFTs have been the expensive new toys of often young, anonymous collectors with a lot of cryptocurrency. Van Gogh died poor, but for digital artists money seems to be within reach. VPRO Backlight meets a vanguard of digital artists at the largest international art fair in Miami. A wonderful new world shows itself. Here the sun shines forever and a new generation of art collectors makes their first appearance. In this world, NFT artists are the new prophets. But the combination between cryptocurrencies and media art also raises many questions. Do creators truly profit from the highly anticipated disruption? Or is it a game with only a few super rich winners and a lot of losers? Will the air run out of the NFT balloon soon? Or are NFTs the harbinger of changes that go far beyond the arts?

Duration : 51 mins

Producer : VPro

Production year : 2022

Production country : Netherlands