Rudy Ricciotti, war architecture

Archi & Design

Rudy Ricciotti, war architecture
Known for his outspoken, vitriolic views, Rudy Ricciotti is first and foremost a great architect who describes himself as local, mannerist and petit bourgeois. Winner of the Grand Prix National d'Architecture in 2006, his fame exploded with the creation of the Mucem (Musée des Civilisations Européennes et de la Méditerranée), inaugurated in 2013. Structured around the construction of one of his last buildings: the 19 M or Manufacture de la mode, for Chanel, the film traces his gradual rise, his sources of inspiration and his architectural commitments, which are not devoid of political orientation.

Duration : 52 mins

Producer : Kuiv

Production year : 2021

Production country : France

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