Assumption Of The Virgin - Cesi



Assumption Of The Virgin - Cesi

Assumption Of The Virgin - Cesi
In the Marmottan-Monet Museum in Paris, an astonishing work is preserved, "The Assumption of the Virgin in the arms of Christ" is one of the oldest triptychs in the history of Italian art. It deals with the death of the Virgin and the episodes that preceded her death. It was made by an anonymous artist in the 14th century: Bartolomeo Cesi, known as the Master of Cesi. We will follow in the footsteps of this artist, who was a pupil of Giotto. We will follow Andréa de Marchi, professor at the University of Florence, in the footsteps of the Master of Cesi in Italy. The triptych was bought by Baroness Beatrice Ephrussi de Rothschild, who decided to dismember it to display it in her villa. On her death, the baroness bequeathed her villa to the Fondation de France. The triptych was then identified by art historians, reassembled, restored and exhibited at the Marmottan-Monet Museum.

Duration : 26 mins

Producer : Eclectic Production

Production year : 2014

Production country : France

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