The best of virtual worlds



The best of virtual worlds

The best of virtual worlds
For each era different tools : today's brushes are digital. The works of art are now interactive, moving, connected or dematerialized, exploring new sensory dimensions. These last years, “classical” arts and countercultures have known many revolutions. This series is dedicated to this “Digital revolution”, this new art, created thanks to new technologies in the hands of daring artists, inventors and activists. In science-fiction novel, virtual reality is often seen as the first step of an immersive world in which we would all be connected to each other, a dystopic vision of a parallel universe, not far from what already exist in the gaming industry. Many artists have begun to use these immersive technics in order to question them. This is the case of the Korean artist HeeWon Lee, the Venezuelian Miyö Van Stenis, the international collective BeAnotherLab and the French duet David Guez & Gilles de Bast.

Duration : 26 mins

Producer : Effervescence

Production year : 2018

Production country : France

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