Villa Barbaro and Villa di Maser



Villa Barbaro and Villa di Maser

Villa Barbaro and Villa di Maser
In about 1560, in Maser, the Barbaro brothers, members of one of the most important Venetian families, asked the architect Andrea Palladio to build them a country house and the painter Paolo Veronese to decorate the walls. Andrea Palladio, a former stonemason, had become the favourite architect of the Venetian aristocracy and invent a new type of country residence, half palazzo, half farm, known as a Villa. The palladian villa is a revolution. For the first time, Architecture must also consider habitation and daily usage in trying to marry beauty with utility, for a new architectural ambition and a new concept of beauty. Some thirty of these prestigious houses were built in Venetia between 1550 and 1580, Andrea Palladio define the basis for all oderly and geometric occidental architecture. In front of the rationnalist work of Palladio, the Veronése frescoes which decorate the villa Barbaro are a trompe l’œil type of illusion, play to open imaginary doors and windows everywhere and insert a dialog between real architecture and painted architecture.

Duration : 26 mins

Producer : ARTE FRANCE, Les Films d'ici, RMN

Production year : 2007

Production country : France

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